guaifenesin (Polna verzija)

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Inana -> guaifenesin (25.11.2008 17:41:48)

Danes sem priklikala do te strani: in našla tole:

Take cough syrup.
"Before we had high-tech measures, a lot of doctors would recommend that women take cough syrup containing guaifenesin about four times a day around the time of ovulation," according to Arthur L. Wisot, M.D., a fertility specialist who is affiliated with the Center for Advanced Reproductive Care in Redondo Beach, California. "And that's still sound advice, because guaifenesin thins the cervical mucus, making it easier for sperm to swim through to meet the egg."

A ima mogoče katera kakšne izkušnje s tem? Kako se sploh ta guaifenesin imenuje po slovensko? Hmmm ... Mislim, da se o tem še ni nič pisalo ...

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