pritožba na odločbo o podaljšanju porodniške (Polna verzija)

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vrtnica21 -> pritožba na odločbo o podaljšanju porodniške (16.10.2009 23:02:03)

Danes sem dobila negativen odgovor v zvezi s podaljšanjem porodniške za 90 dni.
Rada bi se pritožila na odločbo, pa me zanimajo vaše izkušnje.

1. Ali ste se pritožile na odločbo? Je bilo pozitivno rešeno?
2. Kako ste napisale pritožbo?
3. Koliko časa ste čakale odgovor 2.stopnje?

Hvala za odgovore...
pa čuvajte svoje zakladke.

nara123 -> RE: pritožba na odločbo o podaljšanju porodniške (17.10.2009 21:20:33)

Jaz sem se pritožila na odločbo,napišeš zakaj smatraš da bi ti podaljšali porodniško,predložiš nove izvide če jih imaš in lepo čakaš približno 2 meseca in še malo da dobiš odgovor v večini primerov žal negativen[image][/image].
Tako to zgleda v Ljubljani,kjer že na prvi stopnji odobrijo podaljšanje na an ban pet ne na dejasko zdravstveno stanje otroka,žalostno toda resnično.Na drugi stopnji pa redko,redko kateri odobrijo 99% negatvno rešenih vlog!

Poizkusi zgubit nimaš ničesar,pa veliko sreče!!!!

darkpoema -> RE: pritožba na odločbo o podaljšanju porodniške (28.1.2022 6:10:56)

computers can do many varieties of paintings. for instance, computers can helps us do maths issues speedy. some issues are too difficult for us to work them out, however computer systems can. a scientist can ask computers a few questions, and the computers can answer at the present, to satisfy the desires of various exams, the technique of memorizing robotically remains modern-day and the habit of bookish take a look at remains famous within the direction of education.students generally tend to take it for granted that the all the facts discovered by way of books.if we fully agree with what books say,we may get the incorrect or one-sided information.what is greater,the idea in books isn't usually appropriate for the real is able to result in unnecessary trouble to us with being is very vital for us to expand our potential too suppose independently, rather than blindly accepting everything in books.

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